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International Baccalaureate tutoring
Tutors specialised
in the IB
with +37 points in the IB Diploma and have graduated from the best universities and experts in their IB subjects.
IB Tutoring
that are flexible and tailored to your needs to improve your IB results in record time.
in the integration of the best technology for online IB tutoring classes
Do you want to try a lesson for free?
The best teachers to boost your score.
Sign up and we will help you!
Three simple steps to success
Choose your Tutoring Package
Choose the subjects and Packs that best suit your needs.
We match you with the best IB tutor
They will contact you in less than 48 hours.
Start your IB classes
Schedule your classes according to your availability and choose how to use your time.
One-to-one online tutoring with the best tutors and support with the Extended Essay, Internal Assessments and ToK
IB Wave is rated Excellent

Do you want to try
a lesson for free?
The best teachers
to boost your score.
Get the tailored IB support you need
Get help with the EE, IA and ToK
Get the best results in IB Assignments in accordance with the IB guidelines.
Practice and master official IB exams
Become an expert in exam technique to answer just like IB examiners want.
the theory
Strengthen the knowledge of your IB subjects and clarify all your doubts.
IB Wave is a Think Ahead Education brand, a leading international education group in Spain
+7 years offering online International Baccalaureate tutoring
+1000 hours of IB tutoring classes taught
5* score
in Google
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